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Treatment service

Outpatient Process

  1. 1
    • Tel : +82-2-2610-9208
    • E-mail: ic_gh@cauhs.or.kr
    • Homepage: https://gh.cauhs.or.kr/eng/index.do
  2. 2
    A referal letter or medical examination reports (National Healthcare Insurance Holder)
  3. 3
    Registration and Payment
  4. 4
  5. 5
    Medical treatment
  6. 6
    Billing and Payment Fees could be paid with Korean money or by credit card.
  7. 7
    Return home

Inpatient Process

  1. 1
    Reservation for hospitalization
  2. 2
    Pre-operational evaluation Blood test, X-ray, EKG, Anesthesiology consultation (Pulmonary Function Test and Echocardiogram if patient is over 60 years old)
  3. 3
    Go through the admission process Sign on various agreement forms for the hospitalization
  4. 4
  5. 5
    Medical/Surgical treatment
  6. 6
    Discharge Discharge medications, copies of medical records, Medical certification, next visitation reservation, billing and payment
  7. 7
    Return home